Trinitarian Healing

Matt Kappadakunnel
2 min readAug 19, 2021

Last night, I was up in the middle of the night, and I decided to pray.

During this prayer, a Saint visited me.

He sat before me and he asked me, “Do you not realize that God is so strongly present within you? I feel God ever so closely. The Trinity is closer to you than the nearest chapel. In fact, you are a living tabernacle. I have nothing further to say to you right now except to invite you to worship with me the Trinity dwelling within you.”

I knew the Saint was telling the truth, for his face was illumined like Jesus at the Transfiguration (cf. Luke 9:29).

How long have I believed the lie sown by the enemy that I am no good, that I am not worthy of love?

But the source of love, Love Divine, chooses to call me home.

I asked the Saint how I could see the Trinity in me as he sees.

The Saint told me to ask God for the gift of faith.

But the Saint said what is hindering my faith in God is my belief in the enemy’s lies.

The Saint told me to ask the Trinity to pour forth God’s Uncreated Energies into each and every broken crevice. “Allow God within you to heal you from within.”

In each crevice, I experienced Jesus calling forth the Lazarus that was dead in that place (cf. John 11:43–44).

As this healing continued, I was able to return to sleep, though God was still at work in me.

I woke up with the continued experience of healing through God’s Uncreated Energies. The Spirit is giving me a new vision and a new path.

There is more to heal, but I am able to trust that God is healing me and to let God continue to work in me.

I am most grateful to God for allowing this Saint to call me to notice and reverence the indwelling Trinity. I wish I had met the Saint while he was alive, but by God’s grace this Saint has taught me to see God, trust God, and love myself.

I hope this experience teach others to do the same.



Matt Kappadakunnel

Cradle Catholic living in LA with my wife and two sons. Views are my own. I mainly write on Catholic spirituality and Church Social Teaching. Twitter: matt_k007