A Knight of Christ
I joined the Knights of Columbus when I was a freshman in college. We had a growing and active college chapter, and the parish-based chapters were very supportive and encouraged to have young men join. The college chapter organized a weekly holy hour, the only one on campus, and this was my biggest draw to the organization. I especially appreciated how the Knights of Columbus supported seminarians and promoted fidelity to the Church. The fish fry nights, prime rib and chili events were also unbeatable!
Unfortunately I did not maintain an active role with the Knights of Columbus following undergrad. Some of the parishes that I belonged to did not have a chapter, and the various demands of life prevented me from seeking a chapter.
However, during the pandemic, I decided to join the Knights of Peter Claver.
I first learned about the Knights of Peter Claver and Ladies Auxiliary while attending a Black Catholic Parish in Omaha during undergrad. On the surface, it reminded me of the Knights of Columbus for Black Catholics.
But during the pandemic, I learned that the Knights of Peter Claver were not solely for Black Catholics but open to all nationalities. I credit my friend and brother knight Gunnar Gundersen for informing me of this.
I attended a virtual initiation into the Knights of Peter Claver a few months ago, and I am grateful to be a member of an organization whose patron is an important saint to me.
The Knights of Peter Claver and Ladies Auxiliary are committed to promoting Catholic Social Teaching, especially with regard to racial justice, human trafficking and restorative justice.
While I have experienced initiation in two Catholic organizations based in knighthood, more importantly is the call to be a Knight of Christ, choosing to deny myself, take up my cross daily, and follow Him (cf. Luke 9:23).